The Next Spinoff Installment from the Original Gemini Fight Club Selfcest/Mirror-Match themed Comic Created in Collaboration with Artist Ernez! A Disagreement between the Melindas blows up into the Club's first Event!
An episodic continuation following the events of the first 2-part comics:
"The Gemini Fight Club: Pt 1 - Grand Opening"
"The Gemini Fight Club: Pt 2 - The Climax"
In collaboration with artist Ernez(
The third episodic release featuring the original Gemini Fight Club setting. A short interview gets a bit out of hand and the club's co-proprietresses/duplicates/rivals/lovers, Melinda and Melinda, decide it's time to hold their club's first event: Civil War!
The line is drawn, the sides are created, and it's time for every duplicated couple to determine who the top bitch really is!
(Adults Only!)
23 pages (1 cover, 20 pages, 2 support pages), Japanese, Chinese, & Korean (automated) translation doc included.
All characters portrayed are at least age 18+