
The Gemini Fight Club: Code Blue - Part 1

The first of a two-part instalment in the popular Gemini Fight Club universe! Created in collaboration with Artist Mr.E! What starts as a curiosity draws a new potential member into the world of the GFC!

The continuation chapter: "The Gemini Fight Club: Code Blue - Part 2" is now available here!

An episodic two-parter continuation following the events of the original two-part comics:

"The Gemini Fight Club: Pt 1 - Grand Opening"


"The Gemini Fight Club: Pt 2 - The Climax"

Created in collaboration with artist Mr.E(https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/33637260).

Akane, a woman with a shrouded past, is turning over a new leaf and establishing herself as a respectable doctor. But to her surprise, her new clinic gets flooded by doubled women in need of medical attention — all coming from a certain nearby club...

An invite from a pair of spunky members and her own curiosity drives Akane to delve into the incredible world of the Gemini Fight Club!

(Adults Only!)

28 pages (1 cover, 22 pages, 3 Omake/gift art pages, 2 support pages), Japanese, Chinese, & Korean (automated) translation doc included.

All characters portrayed are at least age 18+

12.93MB ZIP Download

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