A parody selfcest-themed comic created in collaboration with artist Mur4kami! Fighting her way to the Enemy Nexus, J*nx comes across a Private Mirror-match between the two teams' N*ekos!
Created in collaboration with artist Mur4kami (https://x.com/Kanope6)
J*nx is about to have a big surprise during a match! While working her way through the jungle she comes across the two teams' N*ekos having their own private PVP~ The N*ekos use their shapeshifting powers to do a naughty selfcest tour of many of the LOL girls~ the fun is multiplied when some J*nxes are added to the party!
(Adults Only!)
22 pages (1 cover, 19 pages, 2 support page), Japanese, Chinese, & Korean (automated) translation doc included.
All characters portrayed are at least age 18+